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Teaching winter hydrology

Teaching winter hydrology

Field teaching in Svalbard

Field teaching in Svalbard

Spring fieldwork in Svalbard

Spring fieldwork in Svalbard

How the first scooter ride of the season feels like

Summer camping in Tryghamna

Summer camping in Tryghamna

Summer fieldwork in Svalbard

Summer fieldwork in Svalbard

Summer fieldwork in Antarctica

Summer fieldwork in Antarctica

Ice coring in Tempelfjorden

Ice coring in Tempelfjorden

Snow work in Antarctica

Snow work in Antarctica

At the bottom of a 3m snowpit

Rothera, British Antarctic Station

Rothera, British Antarctic Station

Monitoring snowmelt in Antarctica

Monitoring snowmelt in Antarctica

Summer camping in Tryghamna

Summer camping in Tryghamna

Investigating groundwater flowpaths

Investigating groundwater flowpaths

Skiing on Foxfonna

Skiing on Foxfonna

While monitoring glacier mass balance

Sampling subpermafrost groundwater

Sampling subpermafrost groundwater

Monitoring Arctic rivers

Monitoring Arctic rivers

measuring snow reflectance spectra

measuring snow reflectance spectra

Monitoring Arctic rivers

Monitoring Arctic rivers

Characterising Antarctic snowpack

Characterising Antarctic snowpack

 I am an explorer and interdisciplinary environmental scientist. I focus on investigation of short- as well as long-term effects of climate change on terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

My research contributes to our understanding of:

  • water management and ecosystem dynamics

    • water balance, freshwater runoff, geohazards - SvalHydro initiative, consultancy for Longyearbyen

    • major ions, nutrient and trace metals fluxes 

    • biogeochemistry of water bodies, snow and ice,

    • acid mine drainage, pollution

    • life in extreme environments (see BIOICE)

    • glacial – groundwater interactions,

    • glacial mass balance, glacier recession and forefield development - SvalDEM glacier monitoring  Bogerebeen mass balance monitoring 

    • biogeochemical effects of meltwater on near-shore marine environments

I share my time between the High Arctic, Antarctica, and helping Longyearbyen Lokalstryre to understand, monitor and manage drinking water supply in Longyearbyen.

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Research grants


• 2022 – Svalbard Strategic Grant SSG - Co.I.-  The Future Svalbard Hydrological Monitoring Program (SvalHydro2)

• 2021 – Arctic Field Grant - Supervisor - The evolution of ice cored glacial forefields using a 3D modelling approach (EVOice), grant avarded to Hedda Maylinn Andersen (UiO)

• 2021 – iEarth – P.I. SvalDEM Development of digital elevation models of glacier fronts and their forefields, and creation of a start-up database for environmental monitoring

• 2021 – Arctic Field Grant - Supervisor - Hydrology, sediment transport and erosion in Longyeardalen. Grant awarded to Lene Pallesen and Marthe Ottem (NTNU)

2020 – Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System – P.I. SvalHydro

From Land to Fjords, The review of Svalbard Hydrology from 1970 to 2019 

2020 – Arctic Field Grant - Supervisor - Sediment erosion and transport in the Longyearelva catchment system, Svalbard. Grant awarded to Martin A Solbakken Løvaas (NTNU)

• 2017 – Royal Geographical Society with IBG, Ralph Brown Expedition Award – Co.I.

Rapid ventilation of sub-permafrost methane through pingoes, springs and pockmarks in the coastal High Arctic

2016 – British Antarctic Survey & NERC, Collaborative Antarctic Science Scheme (CASS) – P.I.

Investigation of the snowpack derived organic carbon in maritime Antarctica; characteristics, dynamics and the processes influencing Fe, N and P delivery to terrestrial and marine ecosystems

2016 – Royal Geographical Society with IBG, Small Research Grant – P.I.

Investigation of the export of glacially derived carbon to downstream terrestrial and marine environments of the High Arctic

2015 – Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Sheffield – P.I.

Purchase of two ROVs for polar research and teaching (grant held in name of Prof. A.J.Hodson)

2012 – Longyearbyen Lokalstyre Bydrift  – Co.I.

The water supply to Longyearbyen: understanding the present system and future uncertainties



2014 – NERC-AFI Maritime Antarctic Glacial Biogeochemistry project – Characteristics of glacial runoff to an Antarctic fjord as well as web design for the project

PhD at The University of Sheffield

Physical Geography

Cold Regions Hydrology and Biogeochemistry

MSc at Uniwersytet Gdański

Physical Oceanography

Marine Chemistry and Environmental Protection

©Aga Nowak
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